What is special about this substance?
It surrounds and permeates something very old. The color is a very bright dark green with a turquoise shimmer, old energy, old light, old liveliness, as if this would no longer exist in this form on today's earth. It has wisdom stored in it and acts like a catalyst: everything that meets this old energy is transformed into a new form. As if wisdom put my own energy and the energy from outside in a good light. In what is there, what is needed. This substance is not about protection in the sense of defense that nothing harmful comes in from the outside, but rather a transformation, a transformation of the negative into something positive - no matter what it is.
This metamorphosis of energies seems to me an absolute sign of the times. This is the way! Cell phone radiation, 5G, vaccinations ... everything is there. We cannot prevent this, we should not either. Do not banish the dark, but transform the dark into light. In all areas.
This is a fabric that would be wonderful to dress with, to wrap yourself with, especially for babies or toddlers, it would be a gift.
Marius Thorsten Ramazani www.mariusramazani.de (translated from German)